About Me

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My name is Aymen and I'm 36 years old California girl, who recently graduated from SDSU. I've been dating Ernest (aka EJ) since April 2002 and we've been ttc (trying to conceive) on and off since 2004. He got out of the Army in late 2005 after serving four years, one of those years being spent in Iraq as a Combat Medic. (Support our troops!) EJ and I live with our 9 year old niece Leilani (aka Leila), our black lab Mason and our chihuahua pups with an attitude, Chase and Luna. We live in beautiful San Diego, love the beach, road trips, Disneyland, BBQs and are looking forward to whatever the future may hold.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

My face! My face! My face is on FIRE!

After being on the birth control pill for 3 months, I was so very excited to end this phase and start on the actual TTC phase of our journey. I was counting down the days. I had it marked on my calendar. I was ready to hit the road running! But now, there is a huge hurdle in my path.

A few days ago, my face became swollen, red and covered in acne. I have rosacea so I just assumed I was having a bad flare up, but this time, it was different. It actually HURT to touch my face and no amount of make-up could hide the redness.
My aunt decided enough was enough, and booked me an appointment with her Dermatologist and she slapped me with the hard reality that again, my hormones were to blame. She sat there, in her perfect Barbie like self, and told me I needed to go to an Endocrinologist and to lose weight. Yes. She went THERE.

She ran some test, touched and poked then put a blue light to my face, looked at the photos I brought her and asked me a million questions before she came to the conclusion, but it stung just the same. She told me that the moment I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries, the problems began and that the diabetes, the adrenal gland problems and the rise in testosterone all go hand in hand. “It’s hormonal. You need to get that fixed before I can even begin to work on your face. Your face is so damaged, that I can’t do anything hard core to it now.” I wanted to cry, but I sucked it up. I needed to hear this. The biggest knot in my throat came when she said, “You’ve been misdiagnosed for 13 years. You’ve been having hormonal problems for more than 13 years. You will not get what you want unless you change your eating habits NOW and unless we get your hormones in control.”

I know what you’re thinking… if she tells you that you can’t get pregnant because of your weight, tell her to f-off and move on. What she’s telling me though, is that with the weight increase, the screwed up hormones and my rosacea combination, it’s causing havoc on my face and my body. Fix these things and I have a great chance of getting pregnant.

I don’t care what anyone says, I’ve seen this time and time again… some women, and I will repeat it again, SOME women, have a horrible time getting pregnant when they are overweight and have PCOS. The moment they lose the weight, they become pregnant naturally. I fall under that category.

She wanted to run a craptacular amount of blood test, but after she found out I was on the birth control pill for 3 months, she became frustrated and said that the result wouldn’t be “true” results, because my hormones have been changed because of the BCPs. I have to take the whole craptacular amount in September, when she feels they would all be completely out of my system.

I have an Endocrinologist appointment today at 2:30 p.m. and she will be doing a ton of blood work, at my Dermatologist request. I hope she finds some answers for me. I would love it if instead of trying to get rid of the symptoms, they got rid of the reason behind the symptoms.

So that’s where I’m at. TTC with fertility meds is out of the questions for now. If we want to TTC naturally, she said she wouldn’t stop us though, but she feels fixing my hormones and face will get me to my goal (having a baby) just the same.

I honestly don’t know what to feel, but I have to stay positive. Everything happens for a reason, right? She wants to see me 10-20 pounds thinner by the time I see her again in 6 weeks. Time to work hard and get this weight off me. Back to low carbing it is…