About Me

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My name is Aymen and I'm 36 years old California girl, who recently graduated from SDSU. I've been dating Ernest (aka EJ) since April 2002 and we've been ttc (trying to conceive) on and off since 2004. He got out of the Army in late 2005 after serving four years, one of those years being spent in Iraq as a Combat Medic. (Support our troops!) EJ and I live with our 9 year old niece Leilani (aka Leila), our black lab Mason and our chihuahua pups with an attitude, Chase and Luna. We live in beautiful San Diego, love the beach, road trips, Disneyland, BBQs and are looking forward to whatever the future may hold.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

My motivation to lose weight...

After many rounds of Clomid, we were recently told our next step is to move into the Femara world. I can't say that I'm excited about this new adventure. In fact, I'm so exhausted of taking so many fertility pills, the side effects and the headaches. Mentally, physically and emotionally, I feel I just can't do it. I decided soon after the word "Femara" came up to put TTC on hold, so I can get myself together, become healthy once again and lose weight.

The first time I became pregnant, I did it after losing about 25 pounds. I wasn't as heavy back then as I was now, so a 25 pound loss was significant. He/she was unplanned but very much wanted. Soon after finding out I was pregnant, I lost the baby. I was so hurt, but since I didn't even know I was pregnant and hadn't formed a connection with him/her yet, the grieving period was brief.

Then in 2003, I became pregnant again after losing about 30 pounds, but unfortunately lost the baby at 12 weeks. (Apparently, the baby stopped growing at 9 weeks.) I was well aware of this pregnancy, had seen the baby in an ultrasound and had already grown to love him/her. Soon after my D & C, I fell into a depression and gained back the weight plus more.

I think it's more than a coincidence that both times I lost significant weight, I became pregnant. I decided to try to lose weight once more and get myself healthy to hopefully become pregnant again, on my own, without fertility medication. This time I am also on Metformin, to possibly help with miscarriages.

How do I plan to lose the weight? Well, I've tried eating low fat for a few months but I wasn't losing much, if any weight. That's when I realized then that eating low fat helps me maintains my weight. I am insulin resistant and for some reason, low carbing is the only way I can lose the weight... so low carbing it is.

Tomorrow is my "weigh-in" day. I will come and post how much weight I've lost as soon as I find out.

You can follow my low carb, weight loss journey if you follow me on Twitter. Just click on the "Follow Me On Twitter" picture to the right of my blog. :)